Sunday, October 17, 2004


Thinking about Situated Learning

(Added a WebCT link on the left under Google News. Any other links? I thought of putting the articles from our posts.)

What's the name of our group? Since we are Kablogging, I suggest Kablogerators. Other ideas? We should post to the WebCT area.

Lots of questions to answer from the TIP hand0ut. Shall we Powerpoint the basic stuff (authors, theory, impact, etc.)? Or maybe we can find a cool web ap for presentation.

I really like the Dynamic Learning Communities piece referred by Aimee and it got my cognitive juices flowing.

I am wondering if we could develop a generative activity that would use our class as a dynamic learning community with the CoP being graduate students. Some of us have been around for a while (Aimee, George), others (me) are new to the system and have not even applied to grad school yet. We have our experts and novices.

We then come up with an environment of generating some of this knowledge. How we do this is still vague for me. We could identify a novice and have her or him ask a question and an expert would respond. Identifying experts and novices could be part of the process.

We could assess the learning with a survey and folks could give it back and we could post results to the blog. I might even be able to get an online form up for the assessment but no promises.

What do you think?

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